What Is A Straight Hair Labradoodle?
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Usually, when we think of a Labradoodle, we think of a dog with the friendly temperament and work ethic of a Labrador retriever with the low-shedding curly coat of a poodle.
However, it is not always possible to predict what characteristics a hybrid dog will inherit from their two parent breeds. First generation Labradoodles are just as likely to have the coat of a Lab as a Poodle.
A straight hair Labradoodle is a mixed Lab-poodle dog that has inherited the straight coat of their Lab parent.

They are also called a flat coat Labradoodle. This means they have a high-shedding coat rather than the hypoallergenic coat of Labradoodles with curly hair.
But aside from their coat, they have the same overall personality and temperament profile as other Labradoodles.
Read on for our complete profile and what exactly to expect from a straight hair Labradoodle.
Vital Statistics
- Breed: Mixed breed of Labrador retriever and poodle
- Size: 21 to 24 inches for a standard Labradoodle (smaller variations also exist)
- Weight: 50 to 70 pounds
- Coat: Medium to long scruffy coat that is high-shedding
- Color: Chocolate, cafe, parchment, cream, gold, apricot, red, black, silver, chalk, lavender, blue
- Life Expectancy: 10 to 15 years
- Potential Health Issues: Hip and elbow dysplasia, patellar luxation, eye issues
- Temperament: Intelligent and friendly
- Energy Levels: High; at least one hour of exercise a day
- Attachment: High; does not thrive when left alone
History Of The Breed
Labrador retrievers were bred in England in the 19th century from dogs imported from Canada. They were bred to retrieve game from land and water and also work as fisherman’s mates.
The result is a breed with a soft mouth and strong work ethic that loves the water.
Meanwhile, the poodle is an older dog breed that originates from either France or Germany (their exact origin is in dispute).
The breed seems to have been around from the 15th and 16th centuries and was a popular lap dog pet by the 18th century. The poodle is highly intelligent and sensitive, making it an excellent companion.
The Labradoodle was created in the 1950s by bringing the two dogs together to try and reduce the shedding of Labradors while maintaining their characteristic intelligence and friendly personality.
They became popular in the late 1980s when breeder Wally Conron introduced them to the Royal Guide Dog Association of Australia as a new working dog.
Labradoodle Breeding Genetics
There are a variety of different classes within a mixed breed dog family. The first is a F1 mix, which is a 50:50 mix of the two parent breeds.
In this case, it means a Labrador retriever parent and a poodle parent, though they could be standard or smaller in size.
Next is the F1B Labradoodle, which comes from mixing a purebred dog, either a Labrador or a poodle, with a F1 Labradoodle, which results in a dog that is 75% one breed and 25% another.
An F2 Labradoodle comes from breeding two F1 Labradoodles.
You still have more or less 50% of genetic material from each parent breed, but at this stage, it is easier to control for desired traits present in the hybrid breed by breeding dogs that possess those traits.
F2B dogs come from breeding an F1 pup with an F1B pup, while F3 Labradoodles come from breeding two F2 dogs.
There is about a 50% chance that an F1 Labradoodle will have a straight hair coat, as they are just as likely to inherit a straight coat from their Labrador retriever parent as the Cu Locus, or curly hair, gene from their poodle parent.
As you head further down the breeding line, you are less likely to encounter Labradoodles with straight coats because this is one of the traits breeders usually control for.
One of the purposes of mixing Labs and poodles was to try and control the high-shedding coats of Labradors, so breeders will usually favor the low-shedding poodle coat.
Size And Weight
The size and weight of a Labradoodle depends principally on whether the poodle parentage is that of a standard poodle, or of one of the smaller types of poodle.
Labradors will measure between 21.5 and 22.5 inches and weigh 55 to 80 pounds, with males being bigger than females. Poodles come in standard, medium, miniature, and toy sizes.
Standard poodles are quite large. They measure 18 to 24 inches in height and weigh 44 to 70 pounds. Mixing a Lab with a standard poodle will get you a standard Labradoodle, which measures 21 to 24 inches and can weigh 50 to 70 pounds.
Medium poodles measure 14 to 18 inches tall and weigh 33 to 42 pounds. Miniature poodles are 11 to 14 inches tall and weigh 26 to 31 pounds.
Toy poodles are 9.4 to 11 inches tall and weigh 14 to 17 pounds. Introducing one of these poodles into the Labradoodle mix results in smaller dogs.
The smaller poodle will always be the mother to ensure a safe birth.
Read our full guide to the different sizes of Labradoodles here.
Coat And Color
In theory, a Labradoodle can inherit the tightly curled and low-shedding coat of their poodle parent or the straight double coat of their high-shedding Labrador parent.
Most of the Labradoodles you come across will have the poodle coat because this is a trait breeders specifically control for.
This is to create intelligent and friendly dogs that are also low-shedding and even considered “hypoallergenic.”
But when we are talking about a straight-haired Labradoodle, we are specifically talking about dogs that have inherited the straight hair of their Labrador parent.
This is most likely to be an F1 Labradoodle, since there is a 50/50 chance of them inheriting this coat.
But in some rare cases, the coat may show up as an anomaly further down the line, or a breeder may favor this characteristic.
Labradoodles with straight hair will more or less look like they have a medium-length scruffy coat, which makes them look a little like a teddy bear. What exactly the coat will look like can vary.
It may look a consistent length over their face and body, or it may sprout in longer tufts in some areas or feather along the tail, legs, and face.
The coat might be slick and glossy or have a more matte and flat finish to their coat.
It is worth noting that while their coat is straight, they will probably not have the double coat of a Labrador. This means less seasonal change and less shedding than a Labrador.
But straight hair Labradoodles will still shed a lot and need to be brushed regularly to remove excess hair and stop them from leaving it everywhere they go!
But even with regular brushing, dog hair will be a part of life. On the positive side, they do not need to be taken for a professional cut as often as their curly-haired cousins.
Additionally, they can be a variety of different colors. While black, chocolate, and yellow are most common, they might also be cafe, parchment, apricot, red, silver, chalk, or blue.
Labradoodles are known for their intelligence, since both Labrador retrievers and poodles are considered among the most intelligent dog breeds.
Labradors are also eager to please and thrive when they have work to do and receive reward. This makes them highly trainable.
Poodles can be a little more independent in their thinking and therefore less cooperative, but they are still sensitive to humans.
This means that your poodle knows what you want, even if they aren’t willing to deliver! But despite this, Labradoodles tend to be about as easy to train and control as Labradors.
This makes Labradoodles great working dogs for disability assistance and search and rescue. It also means they are excellent and obedient pets, even for first-time owners.
Both Labradors and poodles have a friendly temperament and never tend to be aggressive. They bond quickly with their people.
For poodles, this bond can be quite exclusive, and they may be a little bit wary of strangers. Labs, on the other hand, tend to like everyone.
This means Labs and their Labradoodle offspring make terrible guard dogs, even if they inherit a little poodle wariness.
Neither parent breed tends to be mouthy, and they won’t bark at the slightest thing. This means if a Labradoodle is barking, it is usually for a good reason, and you should pay attention.
Labradoodles are friendly with children, and they also get on well with other animals.
They are more likely to form a close bond with the house cat than chase them around the yard. Socializing your Labradoodle from a young age can foster this behavior.
Just like their parent breeds, Labradoodles bond with their humans intensely. This means they don’t do well when left alone for extended periods of time.
They can develop destructive behaviors if left at home for eight hours a day while the rest of the family is at school or at work.
They do better in homes where there is usually someone around or if they can go to work with someone.
This also means they won’t like to be outside-only dogs, as they will want to be close to all of their humans.
So, while they benefit from outdoor space, they will need to be inside the house. This is something to bear in mind with a straight-hair Labradoodle, since they will shed.
Diet And Exercise
Labradoodles are high-energy dogs that need lots of exercise, usually a minimum of 60 minutes a day. Also, this should involve running, jumping, pulling, and searching, and not just a casual walk.
Labradoodles are adventurous and will enjoy accompanying the family of hikes and day trips. They also love to swim! Their straight coats are actually made to repel water.
It’s also worth noting that many Labradoodles aren’t born with the gene that lets them know when they are full.
This means it is easy for them to overeat and put on excess weight. This is not good for their heart and other organs and can also put unnecessary strain on their joints, leading to mobility issues.
It is up to you to keep an eye on your Labradoodle’s calorie intake. Remember that all the treats you give them during training or just because you love them also contain calories!
Want to know more? Read our guide to the Labradoodle lifespan and what to expect from each life stage.
What is a flat coat Labradoodle?
A flat coat Labradoodle is a Lab-poodle mixed breed dog that has inherited the straight hair coat of their Labrador parent rather than the curly coat of their poodle parent.
Is an F1 or an F2 Labradoodle better?
F1 Labradoodles often tend to be healthier than F2 variations of the dog. But breeders are better able to control for certain characteristics with F2 dogs, so their appearance and temperament can be more predictable.
Straight Hair Labradoodles
It is very difficult to tell whether a Labradoodle puppy will grow up to have the curly coat of a poodle or a straight coat of a Labrador.
So, you may be expecting one and end up with the other. Alternatively, if you are just a fan of the teddy bear look of a straight hair Labradoodle, you can seek one out.
Regardless of their coat, Labradoodles have the same wonderful personalities. They are friendly and will want to spend as much time as possible at your side.
They are easy to train and will very quickly feel like members of the family.
Just remember, if your Labradoodle has straight hair they will shed. Brush them regularly to keep their shedding under control.
To recap, here are the breed’s key traits at a glance once more:
- Breed: Mixed breed of Labrador retriever and poodle
- Size: 21 to 24 inches for a standard Labradoodle (smaller variations also exist)
- Weight: 50 to 70 pounds
- Coat: Medium to long scruffy coat that is high-shedding
- Color: Chocolate, cafe, parchment, cream, gold, apricot, red, black, silver, chalk, lavender, blue
- Life Expectancy: 10 to 15 years
- Potential Health Issues: Hip and elbow dysplasia, patellar luxation, eye issues
- Temperament: Intelligent and friendly
- Energy Levels: High; at least one hour of exercise a day
- Attachment: High; does not thrive when left alone
Thinking of adopting a Labradoodle? Read our guide to how much Labradoodles cost.
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What Is A Straight Hair Labradoodle? was last modified: May 5th, 2023 by